O gigante do luxo LVMH está sendo processado por violação de patente de tecnologia de Token não fungível de relógio

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A Mars Financial News report, according to Cointelegraph, a company that sells smartwatch dial designs through non-fungible token (NFT) filed a lawsuit against the luxury goods giant LVMH, accusing it of patent infringement. In a complaint filed with the federal court in Texas on March 10, Watch Skins Corporation accused LVMH of stealing its "groundbreaking non-fungible token (NFT) display technology." Watch Skins claimed to have developed a unique system that allows users to display verified NFT art on smartwatches and holds multiple patents related to this technology. The company alleges that a smartwatch from LVMH's watch brand TAG Heuer and products from other brands in the group illegally used the NFT display technology based on three patents held by Watch Skins. Watch Skins requested a jury trial, seeking compensation for profit loss and royalties for infringement, while also requesting the court to issue an injunction to prevent LVMH from further using its patented technology. The company had announced the launch of the world's first Blockchain NFT dial market at the 2020 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas. At the time, Watch Skins stated that the mobile app provided consumers with the ability to "purchase authentic licensed smartwatch dials from their favorite brands."

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