A Golden Finance report, the decentralized identity solution Litentry announced that it will airdrop staked LIT to its IDHub users. The first 5000 users to reach 300 points in its second season IdentityGala will receive 5 LIT, which will be automatically staked to earn rewards. After 7 days of the launch of the staking function based on identity rewards distribution, the staked LIT can be withdrawn. This feature will be launched after the end of the second season event.
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A Golden Finance report, the decentralized identity solution Litentry announced that it will airdrop staked LIT to its IDHub users. The first 5000 users to reach 300 points in its second season IdentityGala will receive 5 LIT, which will be automatically staked to earn rewards. After 7 days of the launch of the staking function based on identity rewards distribution, the staked LIT can be withdrawn. This feature will be launched after the end of the second season event.