Odaily Planet Daily News According to Katie Stockton, founder of independent research provider Fairlead Strategies, technical signals indicate that BTC has been "overbought" in the recent pump, and BTC may see a double-digit drop. In a report to clients on Tuesday, she predicted that the world's largest cryptoasset would weaken further in the near future, despite briefly rebounding above $100,000 earlier this week. Stockton predicts that BTC is expected to find support around $84,500, which means that in the next dumping, BTC will drop another 13% from its current level. She also added that BTC may find secondary support around $73,800, which means that if the dumping exceeds expectations, the token could drop as much as 25%. Nevertheless, Stockton said that in the long run, she still sees BTC positively and pointed out that a strong long-term background could support the cryptoasset throughout 2025 (businessinsider).
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Analyste: Un solide contexte à long terme pourrait soutenir les cryptomonnaies tout au long de 2025
Odaily Planet Daily News According to Katie Stockton, founder of independent research provider Fairlead Strategies, technical signals indicate that BTC has been "overbought" in the recent pump, and BTC may see a double-digit drop. In a report to clients on Tuesday, she predicted that the world's largest cryptoasset would weaken further in the near future, despite briefly rebounding above $100,000 earlier this week. Stockton predicts that BTC is expected to find support around $84,500, which means that in the next dumping, BTC will drop another 13% from its current level. She also added that BTC may find secondary support around $73,800, which means that if the dumping exceeds expectations, the token could drop as much as 25%. Nevertheless, Stockton said that in the long run, she still sees BTC positively and pointed out that a strong long-term background could support the cryptoasset throughout 2025 (businessinsider).