NDV联创:CheemsConsensus n'est pas assez puissant pour atteindre la fourchette de 200 à 300 millions de dollars

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Odaily Star Daily News NDV Venture Christian2022.eth published an article on the X platform, stating that he was shocked to see the news of Cheems' listing. He asked the operations team of Cheems Twitter, and they had no idea about this listing. Analyzing the reasons for the big dump, it was found that the 'rat trading' addresses continuously raised the price, coupled with the robots on the BSC, resulting in millions of dollars of selling pressure in the short term, until the bottom was supported. Whether the large orders that entered later have insider information on 'rat trading' or simply speculative buying based on market predictions, it can only be speculated. But in the final analysis, the consensus on $Cheems is not strong enough to reach the range of 200-300 million US dollars. It was supported by unrealistic listing expectations (Spot), and a big dump was inevitable when expectations fell through.

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