NFT Of Mandela Arrest Warrant Auctioned

2022-05-04, 15:54

Liliesleaf Museum sells the digital version of Nelson Mandela’s arrest warrant to raise funds.

Nelson Mandela is the foremost leader of South Africa’s Anti Apartheid struggle.

Due to his reputation and heroism toward the freedom of South Africa, he continues to be a legend across Africa.

Since NFT collections for legends continue to gain wide acceptance, having his pieces up for auction will also attract buzz.

One of those historical collections of Mandela that will fetch the holder a fortune is his Arrest warrant.

The arrest warrant was issued in 1961 and has been in the Liliesleaf museum over the years.

The Arrest warrant was auctioned for a reserve price of 900,000 rands, equivalent to $61,800, while the minted NFT version was sold for 1.9 million Rands, equal to $130,550.

The auction proceeds will run the Liliesleaf museum and keep its door open.

This Liliesleaf farm heritage has a special place in history as it was the secret headquarters for the then ANC.

In 2021, the Museum sold another unique NFT collection that included a Pen Gun owned by Oliver Tambo, another anti-apartheid hero.

It is expected that the Museum will make more historical pieces available for minting and auction on the NFT marketplace.

Nelson Mandela is an African hero. The leader of South Africa's anti-apartheid struggle is pan-African par excellence with a "larger than life" reputation.

In recent times, NFT collections are being created for Legends across all walks of life. The NFT space is expected to see the launch and sale of more special collections from across the globe.

This article shall examine the heroic act, launch, and auction of Nelson Mandela's NFT.

Life And Times of Nelson Mandela

Born and bred in South Africa on July 18, 1918, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was a political leader that grew from the ranks of a South African nationalist and socialist to a political leader and anti-apartheid revolutionary.

He was the First Black President of South Africa and was the first to be appointed in a fully representative democratic election.

He is the symbol of Freedom for South Africans and the whole of Africa.

Nelson Mandela was arrested on August 5, 1962, serving a jail term of 27 years. The arrest warrant that preceded the arrest will now be auctioned and sold as a Non Fungible token piece.

The arrest warrant issued in 1961 has aged over the years, and it is now yellowed, with gnarled edges with staple holes on one side. The Arrest warrant is written in English and Afrikaans Language.

The Arrest warrant was initially kept at Liliesleaf Farm Heritage site archives, Johannesburg, South Africa. According to Wolpe, the paper piece has been in the Museum's custody since 2006.

Between 1961 and 1963, Lillies Farm Heritage, located in an Upscale, upper Johannesburg suburb, became the secret headquarters and powerhouse of the African National Congress (ANC). ANC was banned and operated as an illegal cum private association
during that period.

On record, Nelson Mandela hid in the Liliesleaf farm heritage and pretended as a farmworker while the struggle was ongoing. He eventually left to raise funds Abroad.

Nelson Mandela's Arrest Warrant And Its Launch As NFT

Image: Cryptoflies

The Arrest warrant was auctioned on March 26 in Cape Town. The Arrest warrant garnered a reserve price of 900,000 rands, equivalent to $61,800.

The minted NFT version of the Arrest warrant was sold for 1.9 million Rands, equivalent to $130 550. A United Arab Emirates foreigner bought the NFT.

Supervising the auction, Ahren Posthumus, who doubles as the CEO of digital auctioneer Momint, said the proceeds from the Mandela's NFT would go to Liliesleaf Museum.

The Liliesleaf Museum has ceased functioning and closed its doors in 2021. It is expected that the proceeds from the sale of the NFT will help bring the center back to life.

According to Nicholas Wolpe, the LiliesFarm Museum founder said, the NFT is a unique and genuine way of generating income.”

Experts and enthusiasts believe that this statement indicates that a Museum like Liliesfarm holds more artifacts. More of the artifacts will be minted and auctioned to generate more income in the coming days.

Coupled with the fact that Liliesfarm is regarded as a heritage site that documents South Africa's Struggle for Democracy, more NFT enthusiasts will be on the lookout to purchase special collections from this creator.

Since the proceeds from the purchase will help fund the heritage site, several investors and individuals who benefited from the struggle will be willing to acquire the NFT collections as donations to the center.

Last year, Liliesfarm minted and auctioned an NFT of a Pen Gun. The Pen Gun was one of the old possessions of the heritage site owned by Oliver Tambo, another freedom Fighter.

According to Posthumus, the NFT collection was sold for $50,000. The buyer of the Pen Gun will have exclusive access to the original documents. These documents have ink on them and are visible using high-definition scanners.


Taking a cue from Posthumous’ statement, “the NFT is a unique and novel way of generating income,” several art creators are trooping into the NFT space.

Of significance are the museums and monumental sites minting their prized possessions and selling them on NFT Marketplaces. Most of these heritage sites dropped patronage due to the Covid 19 pandemic; they are exploring other alternatives to keep generating income and keep their doors open.

The sale of NFT is one viable option for them to generate income, attract art enthusiasts from across the globe and promote their other collections.

We are optimistic that these museums and heritage sites will make hay while the sun shines. While the Nonfungible token market is buzzing, the Museum founders and creators will mint their special collections and generate as much income as possible.

Author: Valentine. A, Researcher
This article represents only the researcher's views and does not constitute any investment suggestions. reserves all rights to this article. Reposting of the article will be permitted provided is referenced. In all cases, legal action will be taken due to copyright infringement.
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