Zhu Su: A comunidade ETH precisa urgentemente abraçar casos de uso de computação distribuída e resistência à censura

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BlockBeats news, on March 13, Zhu Su, founder of Sanjian Capital, stated on social media that the rise of CeFi in Éter is the biggest unfavorable information, indicating that a large number of open smart contracts that were once envisioned to run on a distributed network are ultimately executed in a closed-source code form on a single server. Éter urgently needs to embrace application scenarios that truly require global distributed computing and anti-censorship features, some of which (such as privacy protection) are full of cryptopunks attributes. If Éter itself performs poorly, the revival of Decentralized Finance will be difficult to achieve - in a world where the demand for validators in decentralization and smart contracts is low, off-chain solutions will become the mainstream choice due to cost and efficiency advantages.

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