Do núcleo do Ethereum para Wall Street: a nova missão de Danny Ryan

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Odaily Planet Daily News Former Ethereum Foundation (EF) core researcher Danny Ryan left EF in September last year, but a few months later began negotiations with the foundation to return and take on a new leadership role. However, in January of this year, Ryan ultimately chose to "peacefully part ways" with EF and announced in March that he was joining Etherealize - an organization dedicated to bringing Ethereum to Wall Street. Em uma entrevista à CoinDesk, Ryan afirmou que tomou essa decisão porque acredita que o Ethereum está em um ponto crucial de desenvolvimento tecnológico. Ele enfatizou: "O Ethereum é muito mais do que a EF, algumas mudanças na EF não determinarão o sucesso ou fracasso do Ethereum." (Coindesk)

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