A França anuncia um investimento de 109 bilhões de euros em inteligência artificial

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Odaily Planet Daily News French President Macron announced that the French AI industry will receive €1,090 billion (approximately $1,126 billion) in private investment. Macron described this investment as similar to the U.S. announcement of the $500 billion AI investment project 'Stargate'. It is reported that France's investment will include contributions from UAE, U.S., and Canadian investment funds, as well as the participation of French companies such as Iliad, Orange, and Thales. The UAE plans to invest €30 billion to €50 billion in France to build a 1 gigawatt AI data center, and Mistral, an AI company headquartered in Paris, announced plans to invest several billion euros to build its own data center in France. (Jinshi)

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