Odaily Daily Planet News According to official sources, Puffer announced the launch of the community-driven decision-making framework PufferDAO, authorizing the community to shape the future of Puffer, in line with the spirit of Descentralização of Ethereum, proposals go through creation, discussion, review and voting, ensuring transparency of decisions and community participation, progressive governance stages, from the initial off-chain voting to fully autonomous on-chain governance, promoting scalability.
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Puffer anuncia o lançamento do framework de tomada de decisão impulsionado pela comunidade PufferDAO
Odaily Daily Planet News According to official sources, Puffer announced the launch of the community-driven decision-making framework PufferDAO, authorizing the community to shape the future of Puffer, in line with the spirit of Descentralização of Ethereum, proposals go through creation, discussion, review and voting, ensuring transparency of decisions and community participation, progressive governance stages, from the initial off-chain voting to fully autonomous on-chain governance, promoting scalability.