A organização DAO Own The Doge obteve os direitos autorais do Shiba Inu Neiro e decidirá por votação qual token pode utilizá-lo.

O PANews informou em 18 de dezembro que, de acordo com o CoinDesk, o coletivo Own The Doge DAO, que detém os memememes originais "doge" da internet, disse na terça-feira que obteve o direito de usar a imagem do animal de estimação Shiba Inu Neiro, e está conduzindo discussões comunitárias sobre qual NEIROToken pode continuar a usar a imagem do DOGE. Own The Doge on X says, 'Kabosumama has officially authorized our DAO to use Neiro's intellectual property (IP). When Atsuko announced the name of her newly adopted dog - Neiro, many tokens emerged, trying to profit from her name and story. However, since then, these different tokens have been vying for the status of the 'real' NeiroToken without reaching a consensus on the evaluation criteria. But it doesn't have to be this way. Our DAO owns the IP rights of Neiro. The DOGE community can join the DAO and vote for what they believe is the real token.' This ongoing discussion will allow community members and external participants to comment and find the way forward in using Neiro IP before submitting it as an actual on-chain proposal for DOGToken holders to vote on.

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