Odaily Daily Planet News NDV joint venture Christian2022.eth posted on the X platform, saying that it was shocking to see the news of Cheems' listing. They inquired with the Cheems Twitter operations team, who were also completely unaware of this listing news. Analyzing the reason for the big dump, it was found that the continuous increase in the 'Rat Trading' Endereço since the Grande subida on the 19th, combined with bots on the BSC, resulted in a short-term selling pressure of several million US dollars until the bottom was caught. Whether the grandes ordens bought in afterwards had insider information about 'Rat Trading' or simply speculatively bought based on predictive disk, it all boils down to the fact that the Consenso of $Cheems is not strong enough to support the 2-3 billion dollar range, and it is inflated by unrealistic listing expectations (Ponto), which inevitably lead to a big dump when those expectations are not met.
O conteúdo serve apenas de referência e não constitui uma solicitação ou oferta. Não é prestado qualquer aconselhamento em matéria de investimento, fiscal ou jurídica. Consulte a Declaração de exoneração de responsabilidade para obter mais informações sobre os riscos.
Odaily Daily Planet News NDV joint venture Christian2022.eth posted on the X platform, saying that it was shocking to see the news of Cheems' listing. They inquired with the Cheems Twitter operations team, who were also completely unaware of this listing news. Analyzing the reason for the big dump, it was found that the continuous increase in the 'Rat Trading' Endereço since the Grande subida on the 19th, combined with bots on the BSC, resulted in a short-term selling pressure of several million US dollars until the bottom was caught. Whether the grandes ordens bought in afterwards had insider information about 'Rat Trading' or simply speculatively bought based on predictive disk, it all boils down to the fact that the Consenso of $Cheems is not strong enough to support the 2-3 billion dollar range, and it is inflated by unrealistic listing expectations (Ponto), which inevitably lead to a big dump when those expectations are not met.