Odaily planet daily news According to Lookonchain monitoring, a trader lost over $160,000 in two days due to FOMO buying Quant and LETHIMCOOK. Yesterday, the trader bought Quant due to FOMO, only to watch it plummet, and today sold Quant due to FOMO and bought LETHIMCOOK. After buying LETHIMCOOK, it big dump, resulting in losses of $83,900 on Quant and $81,300 on LETHIMCOOK.
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某交易者因medo de ficar de fora购买Quant和LETHIMCOOK两天损失超16万美元
Odaily planet daily news According to Lookonchain monitoring, a trader lost over $160,000 in two days due to FOMO buying Quant and LETHIMCOOK. Yesterday, the trader bought Quant due to FOMO, only to watch it plummet, and today sold Quant due to FOMO and bought LETHIMCOOK. After buying LETHIMCOOK, it big dump, resulting in losses of $83,900 on Quant and $81,300 on LETHIMCOOK.