Wu learned that, according to Globenewswire, Genius Group Limited (NYSE: GNS) announced the purchase of 110 BTC for $10 million, at an average price of $90,932 per coin. Previously, Genius Group Limited announced the adoption of BTC as a priority strategy, allocating over 90% of its reserve assets to BTC, and planning to purchase $120 million worth of BTC through a $150 million ATM financing tool.
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A Genius Group Limited anunciou a compra de 110 BTC por 10 milhões de dólares.
Wu learned that, according to Globenewswire, Genius Group Limited (NYSE: GNS) announced the purchase of 110 BTC for $10 million, at an average price of $90,932 per coin. Previously, Genius Group Limited announced the adoption of BTC as a priority strategy, allocating over 90% of its reserve assets to BTC, and planning to purchase $120 million worth of BTC through a $150 million ATM financing tool.