Odaily Daily Planet News According to The Data Nerd monitoring, 2 months ago, a smart money Endereço spent $281,000 to buy 4.4 million FWOG, currently holding FWOG worth $1.1 million (ROI of 392%), 3 days ago, the Endereço also accumulated 4.73 billion MUMU, with an average entry price of $0.0000531, costing $251,000.
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某聪明钱Endereço花费28.1万美元买入440万枚FWOG,Retorno do investimento为392%
Odaily Daily Planet News According to The Data Nerd monitoring, 2 months ago, a smart money Endereço spent $281,000 to buy 4.4 million FWOG, currently holding FWOG worth $1.1 million (ROI of 392%), 3 days ago, the Endereço also accumulated 4.73 billion MUMU, with an average entry price of $0.0000531, costing $251,000.