Sky: Atualmente, 14 milhões de USDS estão sendo convertidos em pontos Chronicle.

Geração de resumo em curso

Odaily Daily Planet News Sky revealed data on the X platform, stating that currently 14 million USDS are earning Chronicle points, which can be exchanged for CLE Token in the future (exchange rate of 10 Chronicle points for each CLE Token). The history of Chronicle can be traced back to the early days of Maker, when developing DAI, and Ethereum had not yet had a Decentralização Máquina Oracle, so Chronicle emerged as the Máquina Oracle of the Maker protocolo, making Chronicle the first Decentralização Máquina Oracle on the Ethereum network. By the end of 2023, Chronicle had split off as an independent project, leveraging its team's unique expertise in Oracle systems and unparalleled reliability.

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