Odaily Daily News Planet Official News, Manta Network has started a 4-year Gas Gain plan, with each period lasting 2 months, sharing 50% of the Manta Pacific on-chain Gas profits with interactive users, and at the same time setting aside 10 million MANTA Tokens as rewards. Holding assets in Manta Pacific on-chain and participating in interaction is considered as participation, and no additional registration is required.
O conteúdo serve apenas de referência e não constitui uma solicitação ou oferta. Não é prestado qualquer aconselhamento em matéria de investimento, fiscal ou jurídica. Consulte a Declaração de exoneração de responsabilidade para obter mais informações sobre os riscos.
Manta Network lançou o programa de gas gain de 4 anos, compartilhando continuamente 50% dos lucros de gás com os usuários na cadeia
Odaily Daily News Planet Official News, Manta Network has started a 4-year Gas Gain plan, with each period lasting 2 months, sharing 50% of the Manta Pacific on-chain Gas profits with interactive users, and at the same time setting aside 10 million MANTA Tokens as rewards. Holding assets in Manta Pacific on-chain and participating in interaction is considered as participation, and no additional registration is required.