O fundador da NEO, Da Hongfei: devido a e-mails de phishing, a conta de mídia social foi hackeada e agora foi recuperada

Geração de resumo em curso

A Golden Finance report stated that NEO founder Da Hongfei posted on X platform, stating that he has regained control of the X account and sincerely apologizes to the community for any confusion or inconvenience caused by this incident. According to Da Hongfei, on July 6th at 11:30 p.m. Singapore time, he received an email requesting a password reset. He realized that the X account had been locked after seeing this email 50 minutes later. The hacker changed the password of his X account and enabled two-factor authentication (2FA), then started tweeting with scam links. This intrusion occurred because he had previously connected a longo third-party website/application (office and calendar management service) to the email. The hacker somehow utilized these permissions to gain access to the contents of my email.

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