Odaily Daily News IRISnet team announced plans to upgrade to version 4.0 of the Mainnet on March 30, 2025. This upgrade will introduce features such as Interaction cross-chain Jeton non fongible, enhance the interoperability of Interaction cross-chain, and optimize network performance. Validators and Nœud operators need to be prepared before the upgrade to ensure a smooth transition of the network.
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IRISnet prévoit une mise à niveau vers Mainnet 4.0 le 30 mars, avec l'introduction de la fonction NFT inter-chaînes
Odaily Daily News IRISnet team announced plans to upgrade to version 4.0 of the Mainnet on March 30, 2025. This upgrade will introduce features such as Interaction cross-chain Jeton non fongible, enhance the interoperability of Interaction cross-chain, and optimize network performance. Validators and Nœud operators need to be prepared before the upgrade to ensure a smooth transition of the network.