Hier, les sorties nettes totales de l'ETF Ethereum américain Spot étaient d'environ 73,63 millions de dollars, ce qui représente des sorties nettes pendant 7 jours consécutifs.
Techub News report, according to data from ichaingo, yesterday the total net outflow of the US Ethereum Spot ETF was approximately 73.63 million US dollars, with a continuous net outflow for 7 days. The VanEck ETF ETHV had a net inflow of 1.35 million US dollars in a single day; the 21Shares ETF CETH had a net outflow of 0.462 million US dollars in a single day; the Grayscale Micro ETF ETH had a net outflow of 5.23 million US dollars in a single day; the Fidelity ETF FETH had a net outflow of 12.48 million US dollars in a single day; the BlackRock ETF ETHA had a net outflow of 15.11 million US dollars in a single day; the Grayscale ETF ETHE had a net outflow of 41.70 million US dollars in a single day; Bitwise ETF ETHW, Franklin ETF EZET, and Invesco ETF QETH had no net inflow or outflow of funds.
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Hier, les sorties nettes totales de l'ETF Ethereum américain Spot étaient d'environ 73,63 millions de dollars, ce qui représente des sorties nettes pendant 7 jours consécutifs.
Techub News report, according to data from ichaingo, yesterday the total net outflow of the US Ethereum Spot ETF was approximately 73.63 million US dollars, with a continuous net outflow for 7 days. The VanEck ETF ETHV had a net inflow of 1.35 million US dollars in a single day; the 21Shares ETF CETH had a net outflow of 0.462 million US dollars in a single day; the Grayscale Micro ETF ETH had a net outflow of 5.23 million US dollars in a single day; the Fidelity ETF FETH had a net outflow of 12.48 million US dollars in a single day; the BlackRock ETF ETHA had a net outflow of 15.11 million US dollars in a single day; the Grayscale ETF ETHE had a net outflow of 41.70 million US dollars in a single day; Bitwise ETF ETHW, Franklin ETF EZET, and Invesco ETF QETH had no net inflow or outflow of funds.