Launchpool l'événement SOSOMining est en cours, stake GT/USDT pour gagner plus d'un million de dollars de valeur de SOSOAirdrop.

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BlockBeats News, on January 26th, according to official data, the Launchpool SoSoValue (SOSO) Mining activity is in full swing, staking GT/USDT can share 1,000,000 SOSO. As of January 26th, 2025, 11:00 AM (UTC+8), the total value of SOSO Mining rewards is 1,000,000 US dollars, with over 50,000 total staking users, including over 3.5 million GT staked and over 50 million USDT staked. At the same time, the MAG7.ssi (MAG7SSI) Mining activity is also underway, users can stake SOSO to share 50,510 MAG7SSI for free, with an estimated annualized return of up to 908.46%. It is reported that Launchpool continues to enhance benefits for new users, with an estimated annualized return of 120.29% for the USDT Beginner Stake Pool, where users only need to stake 0.1 USDT to easily earn SOSO, with rewards distributed every hour. New users who register and complete transactions during the Mining activity can also share an additional $10,000 reward.

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