Odaily Planet Daily News BTC L2 project Stacks co-founder and CEO Muneeb Ali recently said in an interview: "I still believe in the four-year cycle. I think the current cycle will end in the fourth quarter of 2025, although there are some reasons to believe that the cycle may not be so intense. If we don't see a rise in Bitcoin to $150,000 by the end of this year, I would be surprised. I do think we could see $200,000. That would be my highest expectation." (CoinDesk)
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Le PDG de Stacks prédit que le BTC atteindra un maximum de 200 000 dollars à la hausse d'ici la fin de l'année.
Odaily Planet Daily News BTC L2 project Stacks co-founder and CEO Muneeb Ali recently said in an interview: "I still believe in the four-year cycle. I think the current cycle will end in the fourth quarter of 2025, although there are some reasons to believe that the cycle may not be so intense. If we don't see a rise in Bitcoin to $150,000 by the end of this year, I would be surprised. I do think we could see $200,000. That would be my highest expectation." (CoinDesk)