15 jours 10 conseils sur le bénéfice d'Europa : le ratio cours / valeur comptable est supérieur à la moyenne de l'industrie, le ratio cours / bénéfice roulant est négatif

Gate.io Data News on December 5th: 15-day 10-board Lio Shares announced that there are serious fluctuations in stock trading. According to the data released by China Securities Index Co., Ltd., as of December 5, 2024, the company's price-to-book ratio is 2.82 times, and the price-to-book ratio of the company's industry classification of 'L72 Business Services' is 1.89 times. The company's current price-to-book ratio is higher than the price-to-book ratio of the aforementioned 'L72 Business Services'; The rolling price-earnings ratio of the company's industry classification of 'L72 Business Services' is 25.88 times, and the company's rolling price-earnings ratio is negative.

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