BlockBeats news, on November 12th, according to official sources, Oracle Machine Tellor, which is based on Cosmos SDK, announced the development of Tellor Layer, a Layer1 Blocchain built on Cosmos SDK. It is designed to incentivize data reporting and aggregation, as well as facilitate data bridging across different chains. Unlike traditional Oracle Machines, Tellor operates as a fully decentralized Data Layer, bringing Consensus to a wide range of subjective data.
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Tellor est basé sur le développement de Cosmos SDK Layer1 blockchain, Tellor Layer
BlockBeats news, on November 12th, according to official sources, Oracle Machine Tellor, which is based on Cosmos SDK, announced the development of Tellor Layer, a Layer1 Blocchain built on Cosmos SDK. It is designed to incentivize data reporting and aggregation, as well as facilitate data bridging across different chains. Unlike traditional Oracle Machines, Tellor operates as a fully decentralized Data Layer, bringing Consensus to a wide range of subjective data.