Across a lancé une proposition visant à fixer de manière permanente le total de l'offre d'ACX à 10 milliards de jetons.

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Odaily星球日报讯 Across 联合创始人 Hart Lambur 于 Snapshot 发起提案,寻求社区批准,将 ACX Jeton的总供应量固定在 10 亿枚。 Hart said that Bryan Pellegrino, founder of LayerZero, recently criticized the Jeton design of Across, claiming that the ACX ERC20 Jeton contract is vulnerable to unauthorized Jetonmint. The Across team disagrees with his accusations. However, in the spirit of decentralization and transparency, we propose a change to permanently fix the ACX Jeton supply at 1 billion. This change does not require any modifications to the ACX contract, only the abandonment of Across Governance ownership of the ACX Jeton contract to prevent any party from changing the Jeton supply through minting or burning in the future.

Voir l'original
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