Odaily Daily News, Official news, Manta Network has started a 4-year Gas Gain plan, with a cycle of 2 months, sharing 50% of the off-chain Gas profits from Manta Pacific with interactive users, and also setting aside 10 million MANTA tokens as rewards. Holding assets in Manta Pacific off-chain and interacting is considered participation, and no additional registration is required.
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Le réseau Manta lance le programme Gas Gain sur 4 ans, partageant 50 % des bénéfices off-chain en gaz avec les utilisateurs.
Odaily Daily News, Official news, Manta Network has started a 4-year Gas Gain plan, with a cycle of 2 months, sharing 50% of the off-chain Gas profits from Manta Pacific with interactive users, and also setting aside 10 million MANTA tokens as rewards. Holding assets in Manta Pacific off-chain and interacting is considered participation, and no additional registration is required.