Odaily Planet Daily News BTC mining company Stronghold released its August BTC Mining and Operations update. In August 2024, Stronghold mined 63 BTC, generating approximately $200,000 in energy revenue. This is equivalent to an additional 4 BTC based on the average BTC price that month, or about 67 BTC equivalents produced in August 2024, an increase of about 2% compared to the previous month. In addition, the company's revenue in August was approximately $4 million, a decrease of about 2% compared to the previous month. (Globenewswire)
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Stronghold, le BTC Mining Enterprise, a produit 63 BTC en août, pour un revenu d'environ 4 millions de dollars.
Odaily Planet Daily News BTC mining company Stronghold released its August BTC Mining and Operations update. In August 2024, Stronghold mined 63 BTC, generating approximately $200,000 in energy revenue. This is equivalent to an additional 4 BTC based on the average BTC price that month, or about 67 BTC equivalents produced in August 2024, an increase of about 2% compared to the previous month. In addition, the company's revenue in August was approximately $4 million, a decrease of about 2% compared to the previous month. (Globenewswire)