Odaily Daily News Andrew Kang, co-founder of Mechanism Capital, wrote on the X platform that there is no doubt that Frogs dominate the current cycle. In the last cycle, the wealth effect flowed from L1 to the DeFi tokens in the ecosystem. The logic of this cycle is the same, with ecosystem tokens being other prominent frog coins, including Pepecoin (OG Pepe token) and Apu Apustaja (equivalent to Shib in Pepe token).
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Odaily Daily News Andrew Kang, co-founder of Mechanism Capital, wrote on the X platform that there is no doubt that Frogs dominate the current cycle. In the last cycle, the wealth effect flowed from L1 to the DeFi tokens in the ecosystem. The logic of this cycle is the same, with ecosystem tokens being other prominent frog coins, including Pepecoin (OG Pepe token) and Apu Apustaja (equivalent to Shib in Pepe token).