Golden Finance reported that Sushi CEO Jared Grey released the 2025 product roadmap. Among them, the plan is to launch including Wara (comprehensive trading experience on Solana), Susa (Sushi's new on-chain order book), Kubo (Sushi Labs' new contract origination tool, guiding new markets through Delta neutral strategies), Blade (new LVR AMM solution, which can eliminate MEV for blue-chip assets), SushiSwap Aggregator (the product is already in production, but the team will expand its distribution scale by integrating new partners).
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Mapa de productos de Sushi para 2025: lanzará nuevos libros de pedidos on-chain como el producto Susa
Golden Finance reported that Sushi CEO Jared Grey released the 2025 product roadmap. Among them, the plan is to launch including Wara (comprehensive trading experience on Solana), Susa (Sushi's new on-chain order book), Kubo (Sushi Labs' new contract origination tool, guiding new markets through Delta neutral strategies), Blade (new LVR AMM solution, which can eliminate MEV for blue-chip assets), SushiSwap Aggregator (the product is already in production, but the team will expand its distribution scale by integrating new partners).