Gate to join Copper ClearLoop
2022-11-11 08:47:28 UTC
66325 قراءة was honoured to attend the recent Singapore Fintech Festival, where we were delighted to meet some of the team in person.
As a leading provider of digital asset custody and trading infrastructure, Copper provides institutional clients with the ability to trade without moving their assets to crypto exchanges, therefore reducing any associated counterparty credit exposure to such exchanges. Being part of Copper's ClearLoop network would allow our clients to trade on Gate whilst assets remain in Copper's secure custody.
After the last few months of collaboration, and subject to contracts being finalised, we're now proud to announce that Gate will be joining Copper ClearLoop as a trading venue.
Safeguarding clients' assets is our shared number one goal.
Gateway to Crypto
Trade over 1,400 cryptocurrencies safely, quickly and easily on
Sign up to enter the crypto gateway and get 40% commission from referrals
Download iOS/Android App right now.
Reach out to us!
GateVIP Twitter:
API Telegram:
Medium: Team
November 11, 2022
As a leading provider of digital asset custody and trading infrastructure, Copper provides institutional clients with the ability to trade without moving their assets to crypto exchanges, therefore reducing any associated counterparty credit exposure to such exchanges. Being part of Copper's ClearLoop network would allow our clients to trade on Gate whilst assets remain in Copper's secure custody.
After the last few months of collaboration, and subject to contracts being finalised, we're now proud to announce that Gate will be joining Copper ClearLoop as a trading venue.
Safeguarding clients' assets is our shared number one goal.
Gateway to Crypto
Trade over 1,400 cryptocurrencies safely, quickly and easily on
Sign up to enter the crypto gateway and get 40% commission from referrals
Download iOS/Android App right now.
Reach out to us!
GateVIP Twitter:
API Telegram:
Medium: Team
November 11, 2022