Odaily planet daily news According to data from Derive.xyz Derivatifpertukaran, as President-elect Donald Trump prepares for his second inauguration on January 20th, the BTCDerivatif market indicates an increase in volatility expectations. Signs of bearish expectations for the mid-term outlook have emerged, with BTC put options increasing to 40% of all unclosed contracts on Derive, a significant rise in the past week.
Volatilitas tersirat BTC juga meningkat, menunjukkan ketidakpastian pasar. Selama seminggu terakhir, rata-rata IV 7 hari BTC naik 3%, mencapai 56,5%, sementara IV 30 hari meningkat 1,5%, saat ini pada 57,5%. (TheBlock)
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Sebelum pelantikan Trump, pasar derivatif BTC mengalami fluktuasi yang memburuk
Odaily planet daily news According to data from Derive.xyz Derivatifpertukaran, as President-elect Donald Trump prepares for his second inauguration on January 20th, the BTCDerivatif market indicates an increase in volatility expectations. Signs of bearish expectations for the mid-term outlook have emerged, with BTC put options increasing to 40% of all unclosed contracts on Derive, a significant rise in the past week. Volatilitas tersirat BTC juga meningkat, menunjukkan ketidakpastian pasar. Selama seminggu terakhir, rata-rata IV 7 hari BTC naik 3%, mencapai 56,5%, sementara IV 30 hari meningkat 1,5%, saat ini pada 57,5%. (TheBlock)