announced in the evening that on December 26, 2024, the company officially released the SSG6000A series of high-end RF microwave signal generators with a maximum output frequency of 67GHz, the SSA6000A series of high-end spectrum analyzers with a maximum measurement frequency of 50GHz, and the SNA6000A series of high-end vector network analyzers with a maximum measurement frequency of 50GHz. The release of these new products further enhances the performance indicators of the company's high-end RF microwave products and expands the application scenarios and scope of the company's RF microwave products.
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Dingyang Technology: Publica el lanzamiento de tres nuevos productos announced in the evening that on December 26, 2024, the company officially released the SSG6000A series of high-end RF microwave signal generators with a maximum output frequency of 67GHz, the SSA6000A series of high-end spectrum analyzers with a maximum measurement frequency of 50GHz, and the SNA6000A series of high-end vector network analyzers with a maximum measurement frequency of 50GHz. The release of these new products further enhances the performance indicators of the company's high-end RF microwave products and expands the application scenarios and scope of the company's RF microwave products.